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Constitution and Bylaws
Good Intent Hose Co. #1 - Llewellyn, Pennsylvania

Article I - Title

Sec. 1: This organization shall be known as the Good Intent Hose Company #1 of Llewellyn, Pennsylvania.

Sec. 2: The official colors of the Good Intent Hose Co. #1 are Red, Gold and Black.

Article II - Purpose

The purpose of this organization is to maintain a voluntary force for the prevention and extinguishing of fires; and to unite it's members in social and civic activities of a non-political and non-partisan nature. The Good Intent Hose Co. #1 does not discriminate against people wanting to become members regardless of race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex or age; nor is there and unwritten policy of discrimination for memberships in the Good Intent Hose Co. #1.

The membership shall consist of citizens of good moral character, who are 18 years of age or over and are not members of any other fire company in Branch Township.

Sec. 1: Any applicant for membership into this Hose Company must be a resident of Branch Township, must be a previous member in good standing or property holder in Branch Township or a person outside the Township who holds an approved fire fighting certificate approved by the body or attends an approved fire fighting course within one year of joining this Hose Co.

Sec. 2: Any member of this Hose Company who moves from this township and still wishes to continue as a member shall continue as a member by paying dues.

Sec. 3: Application for membership may be made to any member of the Company or in writing, and must be accompanied by the initiation fee plus one year's dues. Such applications shall then be turned over to a membership committee, and this committee shall propose such names as they approve at the next regular meeting of the Company.

Sec. 4: Election of prospective members shall be by ballot, and a two-thirds vote of the members shall be necessary to elect.

Sec. 5: Should a candidate be rejected, the initiation fees plus dues shall be returned.

Sec. 6: It shall be the duty of every member of this Company to respond to every alarm of fire, where they shall perform such duties as may be assigned, as long as there services are needed. It shall also be the duty of every member to so conduct themselves within the hose house that the apparatus and property of the Company may be preserved; and to cooperate with the officers and committees so that a spirit of harmony and good fellowship may at all times prevail.

Sec. 7: Applications for Junior Membership is available to residents of Branch Township between the ages of 14 years and 17 years, with no membership fee. Application for Junior Membership is the same as regular membership except: applicant for Junior Membership must have written consent of at least one parent or guardian. When a Junior Member has attained the age of 18 years, they must be again voted in for regular membership. A Junior Member may not engage in fire fighting or go to a fire on fire fighting trucks. The Junior Member must be supervised at all times by a regular member when in the Hose Company, on the grounds, or trucks. A Junior Member may not chair or supervise a committee, cast a vote or voice at meetings; but he may attend any and all meetings. A Junior Member may attend and engage in fire training.

Sec. 8: All new members are on probation for 90 days after being voted in, and new members must attend and successfully complete a fire school within 1 year after being voted in or present to the body a certificate of attainment from an approved fire school within the past 3 years; or they will be dropped from membership. No refund on membership fees. This does not apply to present or previous members of this hose company. The fire school must be approved by the body. If a member does not comply with this they will automatically become a non active member, until he complies with the above.

Sec. 9: All members with 30 years accumulated paid up membership in this hose co. shall be exonerated from yearly dues. Non active membership approved (09-14-92)

Sec. 10: Non active Members must comply with Sec. 1 thru 10 (Except for fire training requirements). Non active members may not receive Fireman's Relief Benefits, and they may not participate in the following:

Fire fighting or rescue or training
Driving or riding on fire equipment vehicles
Repairing or servicing equipment, vehicles or buildings
Voting at meetings

Sec. 1: The regular meetings of the Company shall be held on the second Monday of each month at:
            7:30PM--Eastern Standard Time
            8:30PM--Eastern Daylight Savings Time

Sec. 2: Nominations of officers shall be held at the November meeting; election in December and installation at the January meeting. Nominations to be closed at the December meeting before elections.

Sec. 3: All meetings of the Company are to be governed by parliamentary law based on Roberts Rules of Order. If a conflict arises on an interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws will take precedence.

Sec. 4: At all meetings of the company a quorum of officers must be present.

Sec. 5: Special meetings may be called by the president or by three members of the company provided that due notice (three notices 24 hours in advance) be given. At a special meeting no business may be transacted except that for which the meeting is called.

Sec. 6: No member may cast a vote unless he has attended at least one of three previous regular monthly meetings.

Sec. 7: All members present at the meeting must cast a vote if requirements of Sec. 6 above are met.

Sec. 8: All members shall sign their names in a meeting log book while attending regular monthly meeting.

Sec. 9: Any member that must leave before meeting has adjourned shall request such leave to be recognized by the president or acting chairman, and this shall be noted in the minutes.

Sec. 1: The elective officers of this Company shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Three (3) Trustees, Fire Chief, First Assistant, Second Assistant, Chief Chauffeur, Chief Medical Officer, Assistant Medical Officer, Fire Policeman, and a delegate to the Six-County Firemen's Convention. (President shall appoint a Fire Captain during his tenure in office.)

Sec. 2: Terms of all officers shall be for one year except trustees who shall serve three years with one Trustee elected every year.

Sec. 3: Vacancies in office shall be filled by the President. Such appointees shall hold office until the next election.

Sec. 4: To run for office members must attend at least six (6) regular meetings per year, unless excused because of illness, work etc. (DECIDED BY THE BODY).

Article VI- Duties of Officers

Sec. 1: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, to enforce the Bylaws, decide all questions of order, offer for consideration all motions regularly made, cast a deciding vote in case of a tie, appoint all committees and sign all checks issued by the Company.

Sec. 2: The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President when the President is prevented from attending a meeting...

Sec. 3: The Recording Secretary shall keep correct minutes of all meetings and attend to all correspondence. He or she shall be exempt from yearly dues.

Sec. 4: The Financial Secretary shall receive and keep an accurate record of all monies paid to the Company, report the amount received at each meeting, and from whom received; and submit same to the Treasurer. He or she shall sign all checks and be exempt from yearly dues.

Sec. 5: The Treasurer shall have charge of all the funds and important papers of the Company, and shall keep an accurate record of all monies received and paid out by him or her in a book furnished for that purpose. He or she shall sign all checks and be exempt from yearly dues.

Sec. 6: The Trustees shall have charge of all the property and apparatus, keep a constant check on the condition of same, and order any necessary repairs. The Trustees, together with the President and Recording Secretary, shall sign all legal documents on behalf of and when ordered to do so by the Company.

Sec. 7: The Fire Chief shall assume command of the Company at a fire, and obtain release of the Company as soon as the fire is extinguished. He shall see that the apparatus is placed in good condition within twenty-four (24) hours after being in service; and shall report upon the condition of the apparatus at every regular meeting of the Company. As soon as possible after his election in January, he shall name a crew consisting of at least four (4) nozzle men, two (2) hose men, and a plug man; and shall instruct them in their duties and in the care and use of the apparatus..

Sec. 8: The First Assistant Fire Chief shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the Chief and assume all the duties of the Chief when he is absent. The Second Assistant shall assume same duties as the First Assistant.

Sec. 9: The Chief Chauffeur shall drive the motor apparatus and be responsible for the lubrication, battery, preventive maintenance, etc. To assist him in his duties he shall, after his election in January, name at least four (4) assistants and instruct them in their duties and in the use and care of the truck..

Sec. 10: The Fire Police shall respond to every alarm of fire, and shall exercise their authority as officers of the law over auto traffic and by-standers so that the apparatus may secure the best position for attacking the fire in order to prevent injury to home, apparatus or members. When so ordered by the Fire Chief, they shall remain at a fire until all danger from smoldering debris is over. For such services, they are entitled to renumeration.

Sec. 11: The delegate shall represent the Company at the Six-County Firemen's Convention and report the proceedings of the Convention to the Company at the regular monthly meeting following his attendance. He shall be paid a nominal fee to cover expenses which shall be determined each year and shall depend upon distance to the convention city.

Sec. 12: Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Duties: Is in charge of any medical emergency that The Good Intent Hose Co. #1, is dispatched to. Training for this position will be a minimum advanced first aid and emergency care certificate. If there is any person within the company that has no valid certification, the office of CMO will remain vacant. The CMO is in charge of making sure all first aid kits are stocked at all times. Assistant Medical Officer, Duties will assist the CMO and assume all duties of CMO absence. Positions of Chief Medical Officer and Assistant Medical Officer will be appointed by the President.

Article VII- Committees

Sec. 1: The President may, at any time, choose necessary and proper committees as he sees fit to carry out the purposes and functions of the Company.

Sec. 2: No member of the company shall be excused from serving on a committee unless he is already on two other committees.

Sec. 3: No committee shall be finally discharged until all debts contracted by it are paid.

Sec. 4: The President, after his election in January, shall appoint a membership committee consisting of three (3) members whose duty shall be to pass upon all applications for membership and propose all qualified applicants at the regular monthly meetings of the Company.

Sec. 5: The President, at the beginning of his term of office, shall be chairman of all committees. He shall submit a name or names of members for steward for approval at a regular monthly meeting.

Sec. 1: The initiation fee shall be three dollars ($3) but may be changed for any length of time by a two-thirds vote of the members at a regular monthly meeting.

Sec. 2: Dues shall be six ($6) U.S. a year, (includes a new key exchange when lock is changed) effective Jan.1, 1990, but may be raised or lowered by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular monthly meeting.

Sec. 2A: All members are excused from paying dues while on ACTIVE U.S. MILITARY DUTY.

Sec. 3: Any member who is six months in arrears for dues shall not have a vote in the meetings of this Company or be eligible to hold office.

Sec. 4: If any member becomes one year in arrears for dues, he shall be notified. If he does not eliminate such indebtedness, he shall be suspended for non-payment of dues.

Sec. 5: A person suspended for non-payment of dues can be admitted to the Company only by the same process used to admit a new member.

Article IX- Recovery by Law and Suspension

Sec. 1: On satisfactory evidence that any person has been guilty of destroying, damaging, or removing any property belonging to this Company, he shall be notified to make restitution. If he fails to do so within a reasonable time, the President shall be instructed to bring necessary legal action on behalf of the Company for recovery.

Sec. 2: Conduct of Members; The body has the right to suspend members for conduct unbecoming of a member of this Hose Co. The vote must be determined by the body, this vote shall be final. The member or members in question must be notified that he or she is subject to dismissal or disciplinary action and he or she may be present at the meeting but he has no right to a vote on this matter.

Article X- Alterations, Additions, Ammendments

Sec. 1: This Constitution, when approved by a majority of the members present at two successive regular monthly meetings, shall be the Constitution of the Good Intent Hose Company #1 of Llewellyn, Pennsylvania.

Sec. 2: This Constitution may be amended at any time if the proposed amendment is submitted in writing and approved by a majority of the members present at two successive regular monthly meetings.

Article XI- Apparatus

Company fire trucks or other Company vehicles shall be noted on a bulletin board of its location at all times.

Article XII- Financial Records

Financial records shall be audited in December of each year and the report shall be completed for the January monthly meeting.

Article XIII- Dissolution

Upon dissolution of the company, the Trustees shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of the liabilities of the company, distribute all remaining monies and assets of the company in such manner, or to such organization or organizations as are organized for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time, qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501)c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provisions of any later United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Trustees shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed shall be dispersed by the Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill County where the principle officeof the company is located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations as the court shall then determine.

Copyright © 2006 Good Intent Hose Company #1